Market analysis

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Market analysis

Supply side analysis (ANA-OF)

To ensure the development of one's commercial activity, one must first have a good knowledge of one's market. It is therefore essential to be able to analyse your market.

This analysis will enable you to understand and measure the real functioning of the forces at work in your market. It is implemented as part of the marketing management approach and will make it possible to measure a certain gap between what you offer and the reality of your market.

Knowledge of your market is crucial to the commercial development of your company. What is it? Quite simply, a regular review of your customers' expectations and satisfaction levels in order to measure the gap between your value proposition and the reality of the market.

To help you, Domafrik has designed this tool to analyse your offer.

Customer demand analysis (ANA-DC)

The market is constantly evolving and you must remain focused in order not to lose your bearings! You must be attentive to this evolution at the risk of being out of step with your customers' expectations. A good understanding of your market's demand will enable you to reposition your products or services if necessary in order to maintain and increase your turnover.

Diagnosis of Commercial Influences (DIA-IC)

There are many factors that influence your market. Whether they are technological, political, legal, demographic... their influences can be positive or harmful to your business. It is always good to be aware of  these influences so that  you can  identify risks, threats and opportunities and act accordingly.

Assessment of Market Potential (EVA-PC)

This tool allows you to calculate your maximum turnover based on the analysis of the sales cycle of your products.

It is often difficult for companies to estimate the maximum orders they can handle, taking into account their bottlenecks, sales lead times and inventory changes.

To determine your maximum potential turnover, our tool takes into account :

All the levers relating to commercial activity: average annual turnover per customer, margin, transformation rate, etc.;

The availability of technical, commercial and administrative teams for the pre-sales and sales process.

Our tool is particularly suitable for companies whose business activity is based on medium and long cycles, unlike flash sales.

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